Care & Prayer

We are glad you're here and want to help


Member Care

In every situation, our desire is to assess the true needs of each member and their family and provide the necessary coordination of care and encouragement by using a member-to-member approach.

Scripture commands that we are to love and care for the members of the body of Christ. In obedience, we seek to coordinate meeting the needs of Center Grove members regarding: hospitalizations and surgeries, births, death and bereavement, counseling and benevolence.

To notify or update the Member Care team of a hospitalization, surgery, birth, death or other medical concern, call the church office 828-396-7300 or email

“And He gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelist, the shepherds, and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ…”

Ephesians 4:11-12

Prayer request

We find many times in the Bible that God commands His people to pray. Our Lord Jesus give us the example of going to a solitary place to pray to the Father. Prayer is how we communicate with God; it allows us to worship, praise, and make requests of our Creator. It is privilege and joy to pray for each other.

To share a prayer request with the Member Care Office, please click on the button below.

Support Groups

Support groups are small peer groups for those walking through a difficult season of life. They provide a safe, confidential environment where members develop insight and acquire tools to assist in coping and walking through challenging seasons.


“…God of all comfort, who conforms us in all our affliction…”—2 Corinthians 1:3-4

DivorceCare is a 13-week video-based support group where you will receive input from experts on divorce recovery, insights from people who have experienced a marriage breakup, and practical tools for coping with the many changes in your life.


MOPS (Mother’s of Preschoolers)

At MOPS, moms gather to find a deeper sense of connection, to feel valued by the world around them, to gain confidence in their motherhood and greater faith-life satisfaction. 



Benevolence exists for members of our church family and community who face times of financial hardship. We seek to address immediate needs by providing for basic necessities utilizing the resources available within our church and the community.

In every situation, our desire is to direct the family or person toward financial self-sufficiency while seeking to minister to their personal and spiritual needs. Ultimately, our goal is to point each person toward their need for Christ and their need to obey His commands as it relates to their current situation.

If you’re seeking financial assistance, begin by completing our confidential benevolence form below or calling the church office at 828-396-7300.

After completing this form or calling the office, it will be reviewed by the benevolence team. You may be contacted if more information is needed, and can expect to be contacted with a decision from the team within two days.

If you need food we have a food pantry available to you when the church is open or when you call with a request but can’t make it between the hours of 9am – 4pm we will make arrangements for someone to meet you to help you with the food pantry.