Parenting can feel impossible at times.
At DS Kids, we’re here to partner with you to help your kids build a relationship with Jesus and create friendships with others. To do that, everything we do is about equipping you and your kids with everything needed to live day-to-day life with Jesus at the center of it all.

We provide safe environments for your kids.
We introduce children to Jesus on their level.
We help kids build new relationships with others.
Each volunteer has passed a background check and we have security procedures in place so you can focus on your time with Jesus, not wonderinging how your kids are doing.
Kids are constantly discovering new things about themselves and the world around them. We bring the story of Jesus to where they are and teach it in ways they can understand.
Life with Jesus is all about having relationships with others. Your kids will make new friends from day one and our volunteers become another adult voice cheering them on as they grow up.
How To Get Involved
We offer full Little Dudley & DS Kids programming every Sunday morning and Sunday nights. Our classrooms are divided by age so your kids can be taught about Jesus on their level.
When you arrive for Little Dudley (birth – K), you’ll check in on the tablets located in the nursery hallways and our warm friendly workers will assist you. For DS Kids they are on the third floor a Welcome team member can help you get there.
Sunday School for all ages
Worship with nursery for birth – 3 years
Growth groups for all ages
Our Midweek gathering is a full family affair. You’ll get the chance to build relationships with other families during our first Wednesday night Family Dinner in the Fellowship Hall before heading to your Mission group or Bible Study. While in your group, your kids will be learning about Jesus with their friends.
First Wednesday Night of the month Family Dinner in the Fellowship Hall
Acteens, GA’s & RA’s meet in classes (1st – 12 grades)
Birth – five years
Nursery rooms
Next Steps
Next Steps is a six-session class for children who are ready to take their next step of faith. Over these sessions, kids will learn about baptism, the Lord’s Supper, having a quiet time, praying, and writing their personal testimony.
Parent/Child Dedication
We believe you were created to be with God and with others. Parent/Child Dedications are our way to commit to partner with your family in raising your children to know Jesus. At the same time, Parent/Child Dedication is your way of committing your family to be a part of the Dudley Shoals Family.
If you’re interested in being a part of our next Parent/Child Dedication, please email us to let us know