Dudley Shoals Baptist Church

a family in christ. a family that cares.

Service Times


Sunday School 9am
Worship 10am
Growth Groups 6pm

Mid-Week Prayer/Bible Study 1pm
Night Services 7pm

First Wednesday Night of month is Family night supper 6pm

Why our church


Our mission is to lead people to a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. We envision a caring community that equips the whole family to follow Jesus. We value growing stronger through worship, growing larger through outreach, growing deeper through discipleship, and growing together through relationships.

The Trinity

God is one in essence and three in person—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—perfectly united in love and purpose. The Trinity is foundational to the Christian faith, revealing God’s eternal nature and His work in creation, redemption, and sanctification. God the Father is the sovereign Creator who, in His grace, chose to redeem a people for Himself. God the Son, Jesus Christ, took on human flesh to accomplish our salvation through His life, death, and resurrection. God the Holy Spirit regenerates hearts, empowers believers, and applies the work of Christ to us. As believers, we worship the triune God of Scripture, glorifying the Father, proclaiming the Son, and walking in step with the Spirit. Together, we live as a community transformed by the love of the Trinity, called to reflect His image, and sent to make Him known in the world.


The Bible makes it clear that while God's forgiveness is freely offered, it must be received through faith. But this faith is not blind—it is trust in the person and work of Jesus Christ. So who is Jesus? He is far more than a good teacher; He is the eternal Son of God, truly God and truly man, who came to save sinners. Jesus lived a perfect, sinless life, fulfilling the law of God in our place. He willingly bore the penalty for sin through His death on the cross, satisfying God's justice and demonstrating His mercy. He rose from the grave, conquering death, and now reigns as King, offering eternal life to all who believe in Him. To receive this gift is to confess Jesus as Lord and trust Him as Savior, committing your life to follow Him.


The church is not merely a building but a gathering of believers united by faith in Jesus Christ. It is the people of God, called out of darkness into His marvelous light, who come together to celebrate the gospel and grow in grace. The church is designed to nurture your spiritual life as a place where you can hear the Word of God proclaimed, ask questions, and find answers rooted in Scripture. At its core, the church exists to glorify the triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—through worship, fellowship, and service. It is a place where believers encourage and challenge one another to live for Christ, to know Him more deeply, and to make Him known to the world. Through the church, we grow in love for God and one another, spurring one another on to good works as we await the return of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, fully God, sent to indwell and empower all who believe in Christ. He regenerates hearts, bringing spiritual life to those who were dead in sin, and enables us to respond in faith to the gospel. The Spirit convicts us of sin, guides us into all truth, and seals us for the day of redemption, assuring us of our salvation. Through His work, we are sanctified, equipped with spiritual gifts, and empowered to live lives that glorify God. The Holy Spirit is our comforter, counselor, and the One who unites believers into the body of Christ, enabling us to grow in grace and boldly proclaim the gospel to the world.


Salvation is the gift of God, freely given to those who place their trust in Jesus Christ. It is a gift because there is nothing we can do to earn it—no religious effort, good work, or moral achievement can make us right with God. By nature, we are spiritually dead in sin, inclined toward rebellion, and deserving of God's just judgment. But God, in His grace and mercy, made a way for us to be saved. God the Father sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to bear the punishment for our sins by suffering and dying in our place. Through His death on the cross, Jesus fully satisfied the wrath of God, and through His resurrection, He secured eternal life for all who believe. But this salvation does not come from us—it is entirely a work of God. The Holy Spirit regenerates the hearts of unbelievers, giving them new life and opening their eyes to the truth of the gospel. He convicts us of sin, draws us to Christ, and grants us the faith to believe. Those who trust in Christ are declared "not guilty" before God, their sins fully forgiven, and they are adopted as children of God. By the Spirit's power, believers are transformed and empowered to live for God's glory.


God the Father is the first person of the Trinity, the sovereign Creator and sustainer of all things. He is holy, just, and full of steadfast love and mercy. In His infinite grace, He chose to redeem a people for Himself before the foundation of the world, adopting them as His children through the work of His Son, Jesus Christ. The Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world and, through the Holy Spirit, draws sinners to Himself, transforming their hearts and renewing their minds. As our loving Father, He provides for, disciplines, and protects His children, calling us to trust Him fully and live for His glory.

Accomplishing Our Mission

Proclaiming among all peoples the gospel of salvation, which is by personal faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord Worshiping God according to the teachings of the Scriptures Putting into practice the teachings of the Scriptures Sustaining the ordinances and doctrines of the Scriptures.

We are a family in Christ, A family that cares!

Charles Bolick
Charles BolickMember
"God has blessed us with these three men. They all three are the definition of what a pastor should be. Not just a preacher, but a shepherd their flock."
Cassi Bryd
Cassi BrydMember
"You guys are really great mentors, and wonderful leaders. Very blessed to have you."
Jenny Buchanan
Jenny BuchananMember
"We have the BEST pastors. We genuinely thank you for dedicated service to the Lord. It's obvious these men are following God's will for each of them. Thank you for faithfully serving. Thank you to their families for their support and service. We love you all."
Beth Curfman
Beth CurfmanMember
"Our Lord has shown His promises to Dudley Shoals Baptist Church. He has provided what we need when we needed it for more than 100 years and now has brought us three great men of HIS choosing, to help fulfill the spiritual needs of His people. He has provided us with men who love and stay true to His Word and share with passion the love of Christ. I am grateful to our pastors wives who stand beside them in all things everyday, who I believe we should appreciate as well. His promises and His Spirit working among and through us makes our church exceptional. I love my church."
Charles Bolick
Charles BolickMember
"God has blessed us with these three men. They all three are the definition of what a pastor should be. Not just a preacher, but a shepherd their flock."
Cassi Bryd
Cassi BrydMember
"You guys are really great mentors, and wonderful leaders. Very blessed to have you."

Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Bible: Galatians 6:2 ESV

To notify or update the staff of a hospitalization, surgery, birth, death or other medical concern, call the church office at 828-396-7300 or email secretary@dudleyshoalsbc.com

The extraordinary life Jesus came to bring us has massive highs but also contains low points as well.

Whether you’re celebrating the birth of a new child, mourning the loss of a loved one, or anything in between, we want you to feel loved by us and by Jesus through it all.

Support Groups

These peer groups are designed to provide relational community for anyone walking through a difficult season in life. They provide a safe, confidential environment where you can develop the tools needed to move through challenging times.

Financial hardships happen. Benevolence funds are available to members of the Dudley Shoals family to help with basic necessities. There is also a food pantry available. 

Our mission is to create safe, welcoming spaces where moms can connect with one another, grow in their faith, and find the support they need to navigate the challenges of motherhood. Through our various initiatives, including local MomCo groups, annual conferences, and online resources, we aim to equip moms with the tools and encouragement they need to be the best they can be for their families and themselves.


Photo gallery

Once Peter said: “But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence”

Bible: Peter‬ ‭3:15



Kyle Lloyd

Lead Pastor

Logan Rash

Associate Pastor of
youth & families

Roger Parker


Children's Director

we're currently hiring

Teresa Martin

administrative assistant

Chris & Hannah Johnson

worship leaders

Kerry Miller &
Kona Reid

pianist/ organist

John Knapp

maintenance custodian

Where to find us

Get in touch